International exhibition on fire prevention and fighting techniques and means in 2016
On September 21, 2016 at the Friendship Cultural Palace, Hanoi took place the International Exhibition on techniques, means of fire prevention, rescue, rescue and security, safety and protection equipment in 2016. is the largest and most professional international event in the field of security, safety, fire prevention and rescue in Vietnam. Vietsafe is one of the selected units to bring to the exhibition a number of modern, safe and advanced (imported) equipment, vehicles and fire protection systems, suitable for construction conditions, projects in Vietnam.
Dr. Doan Viet Manh - Director of the Fire Protection and Rescue Police Department with Mr. Le Manh Dung - Director of Vietnam Safety Technology Company (VIETSAFE)
In December 2016, a Workshop on Clean Fire Extinguishers - FM-200® was held at the Police Department of Fire Prevention, Firefighting and Rescue, co-organized by Chemours & Vietsafe. FM-200® system for fire fighting applications for areas with high-value equipment and assets such as: Central computer room, Electrical, electronic, telecommunications equipment, storage equipment, warehouses high value chemicals, treasury, art galleries, museums, laboratories, medical equipment rooms, petrochemical plants, offshore oil and gas stations, oil and gas pumping stations. This system is suitable for applications in clean environments, where people work, and equipped with machines or high-value data.
Mr. Tran Vu Nhat with Mr. Foong Mun Sin - Sales Manager of Chemours at the Workshop on Clean Extinguishers - FM-200® at the Police Department for Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue
More and more companies, units, individuals and organizations choose Vietsafe as a supplier of fire alarm and fire fighting systems due to its good quality, reasonable price and dedicated & thoughtful customer care services. . Many construction units with increasingly high qualifications have been choosing Vietsafe's products and services to serve the construction and installation of construction works in industry as well as in civil for the purpose of ensuring safety. & be assured of service quality.